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Healthy Eating

Food Labels

All packaged food labels now have a traffic light system to tell you how much sugar, fat, salt and calories there are in it, and what percentage of your daily guideline amount that it represents.
The British heart Foundation recommend that foods with a red light should only be eaten occasionally. Foods with amber lights are fine to eat most of the time but foods with green lights are the healthiest choice.
Most foods will have a combination of red, amber and green lights, but try to choose foods with as many amber and greens as possible.

Smart Shopping

Tips Eating well doesn’t have to cost the earth. Follow these simple shopping tips for eating more healthily and to do it in the cheapest way possible:

Make a Shopping List

Plan your meals for the week and make a list of what you will need to make them. Having a list will mean you are less likely to buy things you don’t need

Save Money

You may have seen some money off coupons, why not plan your meals around these?

Think Healthy

When you are out shopping, take some time to look at the food labels and see if there is a healthier version. Food labels are explained later on in this leaflet.

Getting Your 7 a Day

As you are planning your meals, think about if you’re getting your 7 a day. Foods that count towards this are explained in the next section.